Friday, February 5, 2010

Keep on Trucking!

Well I've continue to learn more and more about cancer as I progress in my cancer journey. The more I educate myself about follicular non hodgkins lymphoma the more I'm confused if that makes any sense... I had a needle biopsy done on my armpit. The doctor that did the biopsy said that he removed lots of the lymphnode and was confident that pathology would have plenty for an accurate diagnosis. I have been told that I should have had a surgery and had part of my lymphnode removed and pathology could have given me a more accurate diagnosis. So I was a litte concerned about that at first. Of course I've learned that London pathology read me as a grade 3a most likely to act indolent. B.C. pathology where I sent my slides from the biopsy for a second opinion read me as a grade 2. So I was confused on 2 different opinions. I've since learned that in 2008 the world health organization changed the grading system from grades 1,2,3 to 1,2,3a,3b. The B.C. pathology using the older grading system still and London pathology using the newer system. So what this all means basically is that if London was still using the old system I would most likely be a 2. But the newer system has some other variables that classfies me as a 3a. Now I've come to learn after listening to the top follicular non hodgkins doctor out of chicago. She's another one of these doctors that only studies follicular non hodgkins lymphoma and she says that really patients should have more then one lymphnode biopsied because quite often the cancer is different grades in different areas throughout the lymphatic system. Meaning I might be a grade 3 on my left side but a 1 or 2 on my right side.... This is a reason why they have such a hard time predicting relapses. Basically what this all means is that I won't know much of anything until I relapse if I ever relapse. I'm hoping that I never relapse... I had so many emails sent to me on my facebook group alot from people who are 10-12 yrs down the road that haven't relapsed. Also emails from people that have relapsed and have went through treatments again and are doing just fine... So I'm not fearing relapsing as much as you would think... I'm hoping if I relapse at all it's at least 10 yrs down the road.

My precious Marissa turned 4 recently... It feels like just the other day I was watching my wife give birth to her. She was this tiny little thing with her eyes wide open. I got to give the first bottle to her that night! She loved opening her gifts and we had a nice quieter then usual birthday party.

I've had the pleasure of meeting many new people along the way. Most of them diagnosed with cancer... I've been able to spend time talking with them about how to survive cancer. The post diagnosis worries and emotions although not always the same are very similar. I haven't been spending as much time at wellsprings lately as I was. The programs are filling up fast and sometimes hard to get in if you don't sign up early. But I do have a good base support of friends dealing with cancers that I feel I can talk or hang with them whenever. I'm hoping that the stupid cancer group will continue to meet because that was a neat experience.

Next Friday is my 5th cycle of chemo already WOW!. The week after I have my CAT scan. I feel these next 2 weeks are huge... the CAT scan will hopefully confirm what I believe that the chemo is working and working well. The CAT scan cannot tell me that all the cancer is gone. Only a PET scan can tell me that so it's time to start pushing the doctor for that. That is done after the chemo! The PET scan in some ways when I think about it is insignificant... Because it doesn't do anything in terms of predicting relapses but I think it'll give me a peace of mind. Which is good thing to have when you have cancer so bring on the PET scan.

I would like to thank you all for the nice comments I recieved on my last post. It was nice to hear from all the "Stupid Cancer" people. Your organization is amazing and fills a void left for young people with cancer. Tara if you need any help with the next one email me and I'll do my best! Thanks to Under The Volcano Restaurant for hosting the event.


  1. Hi John,

    My name is Anna and I work with the I'm Too Young for This! Cancer Foundation. I'm not sure if you're familiar with our organization, but we provide support and advocacy for young adult cancer survivors. One of the many things we do is host the Stupid Cancer Blog, which features a blog roll of other young adult survivor's blogs. We would love to list your blog, but need your full names. Please get in touch with me at


  2. John
    It sounds to me that you have found an amazing bunch of people in the "stupid cancer" group. I am so happy for you. The last couple of blogs that you have written, you sound much more at ease and optimistic about your future, which is fantastic. I looked forward to hearing the results of your CAT and PET exams, I know they will be great results. Love you and miss you guys so much.

  3. hey honey!
    you are doing so great it is so good to, what a different experience than what we expected. this has been such a blessing that you get to spend all this time with the girls..and miss rissa's birthday...god that kid is hilarious, no wonder you can keep your spirits up so well!
    chemo 5, no problem!
    Some of the people you have met (and some that I have gotten to meet) are so incredible..thanks to all who not only support Johnny boy but who shared with me too. AMAZING people out there.
    As far as the actual diagnosis, there are so many people who are doing well with grade 1, 2 or 3 so as long as you keep up your great attitude you are gonna do awesome!
    proud of you!

  4. Just wanted to give a shout out to you John!!! You are such an amazingly strong person and I think that you are so awesome to be involved in the support groups! Keep on trucking!
    I know that #5 will go as awesome at 1 thru 4!!!


  5. Keep on trucking Johnny!!! but stay away from Taboo!!! heehee!

    and perhaps those ONIONS too... words cannot describe that craving!!!

    Eric was SO thrilled that you rented a game for him!!!! You are one of his good BUDDIES so he tells me!!! Thanks!

    You will be chemotastic on Friday!

  6. Hey John,
    This blog post is great. We're really happy you are feeling more positive, because we are feeling really positive about you -- and your long and healthy life too!!! We love you so much, Love markandjen

  7. I think it's great that you have met so many wonderful people during this journey of your's. I love this blog and I hope you keep updating it. I'm sure this weeks chemo will go just as smoothly as the rest. Can't wait to hear how the CT goes next week. Remember there's still room in Florida for the Maisonville group!
