Sunday, November 29, 2009

The emergency pickle run!

Well a big thanks to Steph and Justin. Justin made a batch of homemade moshises pickles. This was huge because I had lost my costco card and had no access to my pickles. I had to pack up the girls and drive over to their house to get my fix of pickles. Justin generously filled my 2 jars. I polished off a whole jar the first night with the help of my brother playing the video game Metal Gear 2. My brothers direct quote," these are awesome." The second jar was done on Saturday night. Actually ate a half a tub of cool whip right after I ate my pickles it was sooooooooooooo good I recommend this. Jen I'm thinking a pickle drip is a wonderful idea. Erin maybe you could be our personal chef at the maisonville house. Jen doesn't enjoy cooking so I'm sure she'd be fine with this. Jewel and Jen you are not allowed to shop together because nothing good could possibly come out of this!!! Sister in law Jen the lasagna you made was like a fine wine 35 years is along time but I couldn't wait that long for the next one. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm that was a good lasagna.

Saturday was very much the most normal day I've had since I was diagnosed with NHL. We got up and went to the parade and the girls loved it. Came home and sat around like a bunch of lazy bones. Then went to my works christmas party for kids where the girls met Santa and received a gift. Health wise I continue to feel great. In some ways I feel better then ever. I start meeting with my cancer support group on monday at 1:30. I look forward to this because I find talking to people with cancer or have had cancer so interesting. Just the different way we handle things and we are all a bit different. I'm starting to see that it is very easy to slip into depression when going through the chemo and all the extra stress of knowing what's happening to your body... I think being open about my cancer and writing about it, staying active and eating well will help me from becoming depressed. I'm going to ask Dr. Chin-Yee if I can get a gym membership to work out while I'm on Chemo. It's my Mother in laws turn to babysit me this week. So we'll be watching Ellen in the morning. Ellen is actually kinda funny although I think I could dance better then her. I'm so ready to start my next cycle of chemo, one more week to go! Hopefully my bloodwork is ok on thursday and off I go for more chemo. The girls have one more week of daycare then the house will be a zoo from here on in. Which is the way I like it. As I was writing this Mikayla dumped a carton of milk on my new couch!

A special thanks to Stan and Lucille and Leo and Joanne for the Prayer cards. One in particular the prayer of roses. My grandmother who's name is Rose holds a dear spot in my heart. So much so that my Mikaylas middle name was named after her. For all of us that ever new my grandma Rose she was a saint. I know she's watching over me today!


  1. I am sure Grandma is watching over you in fact I believe she has you under her wing. Mom

  2. Jenny from the block...November 29, 2009 at 3:52 PM

    I too think Grandma Rose is here with us..taking care of us and giving us strength.
    love you johnny pickles!too bad our couch got milked.
    mom, less t.v watching and more cleaning! lol. just kidding, I like that you and Johnny are hanging out having fun!
    thanks for the cards and love we rec'd this week!

  3. oh and I forgot to say a great big thanks to my mil Linda for all the hard work she put in last week here! you rock! I am so blessed to have a mil like you!

  4. Hey John it's Regis and Kelly first then Ellen. We better watch all we can this week because it will be tree house 24,7 when the girls are home. Hope you got your weeks supply of pickles. You are going to be so screwed if we get a snow storm. See you guys tomorrow, love yas

  5. Hey there John---it's great as always to catch up on your progress.Your Grandmother was a beautiful lady both inside & out. I can tell you she was Chico's favourite and he still says a prayer for her to this day!Have a super week! Colleen & Gene

  6. Hey Johnifer - Ellen wouldn't stand a chance vs. your dance moves - I will never forget your "Santa break-dancing" that New Year's Eve!!

  7. Hey've added cool whip to the!!! Stomach of steel!!! I am so glad you are doing everything to get you through this..the support group will be very important. Stay positive! Stay strong!!!

  8. um... hellooo... by shopping for things on SALE... we are SAVING money!!! because otherwise we would have to pay full price! keeping an eye out for 2for1 pickle sales!!!

    coolwhip and pickles... hmmmm...

    anyways my dear... keep kicking!!! you rock! love j&e!!!

  9. Glad your weekend went well and hopefully it continues into this week. Keep it up!

  10. Oh and me cook?!?!? I don't think you know what your asking for! I'd probably put you in the hospital fast then you can say Non Hodgkins Lymphoma!!!

  11. John, I am so glad we could aid in your pickle fest!!!!! You should really send an email to your pickle supplier and see if you can score a discount or some freebies!!! WOrth a try!!!
    I am also working on thursday, what time is your appt???? Perhaps I will swing down while you wait for 2 hours to see CHin Yee :)

