Tuesday, November 24, 2009

new remedy!! 8 pickles and 2 glasses of milk!

this is what will get you 6 hours of sleep!

just to answer the comments from my last blog-Christine I would love to be your manager, like any good manager I can come up with a gimmic to get attention...Kent with a mullet and since you have the cute short spikey hair we will put you in leather like joan jett! and voila we have a team. we will let your fine work do the rest. jewel if you hear of soemthing let me know. craig and bj I can babysit when I am up all night! Linda please tell mike to hold my spot for the golf trip this year!

last night at 9 oclock I polished off about 8 pickles and then chugged 2 glasses of milk and one cup of roobois tea and then slept 6 hours straight! not sure if this is scientific evidence but I was thinking of doubling everthing tonight and making it 12 hours! after this great sleep I woke up feeling normal and in a great mood. I took my wife to work this morning, took the girls to school and then later picked Jen up to go to wellspring they are a cancer support place, looks like I am going to be doing some yoga, touch therapy, reiki and peer groups. then I was off to costco with my mom for more pickles (2 big jars) then I took Jen out for dinner and a trip to home depot...pretty romantic eh?

a big thanks to Jeff who was in London and brought me out for lunch for a little follicular nhl discussion and support. shout out to krystyna, another nhl buddy who keeps sending good vibes!
I have a story, not cancer related but who's mother wouldn't remember this. when I was in highschool my mom announced that our house had been paid for so she took us out to mcdonalds for a treat.on the way to mcdonalds, at the busy intersection of lauzon and little river a bunch of cop cars slammed into the intersection surrounding a small blue chevette the cops jump out, pull their guns and yell at the man in the car to get out! he jumped out and got on the ground with all the guns pulled on him. I was sitting in the front seat of our car which was the first one at the light right beside the guy watchign all this..and I find it so funny that my mother cannot remember this story! just had to put that out there. mark do you remember this? matt? jolaine? anybody?
shout out to my wife who dined out with me at east side marios! followed by some mcdonalds ice cream! adn my eating will continue because I have a couple of man dates this week, lunch with Gary and Breakfast with Derek! and they said I would lose weight doing chemo! I have chemo gut!
thanks again for all the support and the comments! I love em.
over and out


  1. JOhn you rock!!! Seriously, I love reading this blog!!! Your eating cracks me up!!! All the docs here say that keep eating, it is good for you!!! Keep on trucking!


  2. WOW, John I'm so glad to hear you got sleep last night. Here's to hoping for repeat tonight. I'm free for lunch on Thursday/Friday if your buying?!?! I'd go tomorrow but first I have to get my groove on in Chi-town (Chatham).

    Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite...seriously they hurt like hell :)

    The Gov's.

  3. Hey there Manager!!!
    You just keep promoting me!
    Eat, Sleep and be Merry!!
    I am thrilled that you are still feeling well. I know Jen is also thrilled with your progress. I will keep my fingers crossed that it continues with the next round.
    So, going for 12 pickles tonight.... did they do an ultrasound of your tummy, sure you are not preggers??? Oh wait, no, that was chemo gut.
    Have a good longgggggggggggg sleep!

  4. John you're in my thoughts and prayers, I hope things continue to go well. And keep eating the pickles and milk...why not? lol.---
    Cathy Perreault

  5. Hey John----pickles, lack of sleep, enlarging stomach-------possibility of pregnancy?????? It is SO great to read your "stories"---even though we have never met, I feel I know you quite well.Keep the positive attitude----it makes life worth living whether you are sick or not right??? Say HI to your Mom & Dad---tell them we are thinking of them too. Talk soon. Colleen & Chico

  6. Hi John I love your blog... Gary just told me about it and I'll be reading it every day please do not stop writing please,please keep us posting, we like to help you to go trough this,we will pray for you and your family, have a good day and a long sleep and hope to see you soon, hugs n kisses ...from Mariola n uncle Gary (sorry for my grammar)

  7. Hey John,how are things.I have really enjoyed reading your blogs.It really helps me put everything in perspective.Thanks to Mariola I now know how to respond to this.I am a millwright,and not too good with a computer.
    Just this morning I was asking Mariola what she wanted for dinner today,which basically means eating at around 1 or 2 pm.So she starts giving me shit and tells me to get my butt in gear and go pick something up,because if I dont feed her she beats me.So just as I am ready to walk out the door she wants me to write something on your blog.So now I am getting shit because I have to leave and a few minutes earlier I am getting shit for not leaving soon enough.Cant live with em cant live without em huh!!!Course you know I am making this sound worse than what it really is.So just to let you know we went to Costco and have lots of pickles on hand if you ever drop by.Take care and let us know next time your in Windsor.We would love to see you,Jen and the kids.Bye for now
    You might be a redneck if your brother has ever convinced you your an only child.

  8. John..you might be the only person in the history of chemo to gain weight

  9. John if you keep eating like that you are going to have to back to work to support you habit. Good thing you could fend for yourself, I wouldn't have time for the girls. When I was there the week after your chemo I was amazed at how well you did. You still have energy,humor and big smiles for Jen and the girls. You are looking at this monster in the face and then kicking it in the ass. We are here for you from start to finish, whatever you need. We walk with you. I know you love hanging out with your mother-in-law. Much Love B&B Connection

  10. OMG Gary you are so right!!!! I am going to ask the oncologist if that is a common complaint!

  11. John
    Hey, I have to say that I loved talking to you today! I also remember in great detail about the guy on little river and lauzon, and the fact that the cops drew there guns at this guy, and I also remember that Mom and Dad paid off the house and we were going to Mcdonalds to celebrate! I cannot believe that Mom does not remember that! Maybe it is something she would rather forget like the time Adam stopped trasffic on Lauzon Rd to get the dog (lol)! Love you and please keep this story between us! And about the pickles? I am your sister and I know that this is not a far stretch for you...You are addicted to pickles and milk on a normal John day, so chemo and 8 pickles and 2 glasses of milk is NOT an unusual story LOL! TTYS Love Jolaine

  12. Dear John
    Are you sure we were going to Mcdonalds to celebrate and not the grocery store for pickles.
    Love your forgetful Mom
