Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Good nights sleep anyone!

Well I think I have slept a total of 6-8 whopping hours in the last 3-4 days. Today I hid in my bedroom because I was tired and miserable. It's tough laying in room and not being able to sleep while the rest of the world functions. I thought i'm better in here because I might go postal from being so tired. I really thought when I got home from my brothers last night that sleep and I had a good chance... but not! My body is slowing from the lack of sleep which is what is making me miserable. I brought 2 lbs of chicken wings to my brothers so we could watch the UFC fight. He had one wing and I devoured the rest. My appetite is really picking up. I had, 2 bowls of bran flakes,2bowls of oatmeal, 2eggs and toast before 11am, chicken sandwich for lunch, bag of chips, 2 peanut butter sandwiches, roastbeef for dinner with squash and potatoes, cake for dessert, and the 2 lbs of chicken wings for the nightcap. Plus lots of fruit in between all this. If I don't sleep tonight then I'm calling for sleeping pills tommorrow. My wife took the girls outside to play in order to try and quiet the house down. I don't think quiet is going to matter when my body finally crashes from this. I feel like I can't concentrate to well now either... The new couch is awesome by the way I feel like a king on it. The wife loves it to now. I think if she would trust my taste more often even she'd be suprised at what I could do. My mom and dad will be here all this week as my mother in law gets a rest. They will alternate until my chemo is done. I love having someone here it takes the pressure off the the wife and I when the kids wake up. All my family and friends continue to be great... This means so much to me and my family. I will be posting a family picture soon that a friend of ours had taken of us in springbank park. I just seen some more of her work today. She's amazing and needs to do this on the side we told her. So Christine I'm saying you're available for $100 an hour. She and her pictures are worth it. Great my blog is now plugging people. But only because I believe that much in her and her hubby.


  1. Holy smokes John, when you're finished with this battle, you'll be fighting the "Battle of the Bulge". But who cares right, if you can't sleep you might as well eat!!
    Hope you have a good week.
    Linda Jones

  2. Hey John, will you be my Manager??!! I loved every second of taking pictures for you guys and the rest of the biznitches! Your family is all so good looking, that they couldnt' help but turn out fabulous!
    Sleep is apparently over-rated. I think Jen and I discovered that with nursing newborns. It is amazing how our bodies can just keep going.
    You are doing amazing and I know you will continue to. It is so wonderful that the Grandma's are able to alternate weeks to help take the pressure off.
    Keep fighting - Your Rocking the House!!

  3. Hey my dear... have you tried any alternative things... meditation... reiki (sp?)... relaxation cd's??? I am going to talk to someone at work who might give some ideas... will let you know!!!

    keep kicking!!!! oxoxox J&E

  4. Johnifer - hopefully you're now sleeping like a little baby (well, not our baby as she apparently doesn't believe in sleep!!!). Hope all is well!

    Craig, BJ, Victoria, and Katie

  5. Hopefully you'll find an answer to the sleeping issues soon. Your doing great and keep it up! One of these nights I'm going to stop by and say hello to the Maisonvilles.
