Monday, November 16, 2009

First day of chemo!

Well I have made it through the first chemo. All my worst fears have been erased... I originally thought the clinic would be like a funeral. The reality is it's a party with a bunch of sick people. Myra (my nurse) Sat me down and explained everything clearly. Anything I needed or concerns I had were taken care of immediately. They started me on the wonderdrug a small little football shaped pill for antinausea. Followed by predisone and benadryl. That made feel like a 16yr stoned on a saturday night. Then they slowly pump the rituximab in for 4 to 5 hours. They follow this one carefully checking blood pressure every half hour. Once that's in I got 2 of the other chop drugs one by iv and one injected by hand this is the red kool aid looking one. Makes you pee a funky orange color. Followed by the last one that takes 3 or 4 minutes. To lazy to look all the names up of the drugs. Then what was long and exhausting day is done. I ate like a cow at the hospital. A big shout out to my wife and mom who I sent on wild goose chase for food. Food consumed today, footlong roastbeef sub,3 bagels,one large bag of gummy bears, 2 chocolate bars, and bowl of cereal. Also drank a ton of liquid. The nurses loved my tshirt I wore today. The caption on the shirt was " hey cancer suck on this" with an arrow pointing to you know what! Thanks Christine,Kent, and McKenna...
Well I'm bushed... I'm going to take my wonder drugs soon and cross my fingers for no nausea. Want to thank all my nurses today you guys rock!!! To Everyone who called made food sent gifts and just showed up to say hi couldn't do it with out all your love! Cancer has no chance against us! Erin,Stanley,Chistine thanks for preparing my big bag. It'll be used at every treatment...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. John, I'm so glad things went well today. Keep up the positive thinking!!! Let us know when you need us for anything at all and we'll be there.

  3. 1 down---you are on your way----keep the positive attitude---it certainly helps.

  4. Johnnie!! you rock!!! fingers crossed that the nausea stays away... Eric and I send big huge hugs!!!

  5. You're on the right track my man! Make sure you take your drugs as prescribed - very important.
