Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My pumpkin head is back!

Well Derek thanks for your encouragement I just think positive is the only way to go. Jen you are my beautiful wife that gave me those 2 little girls man there is nothing we have ever done better together. Chores well I'll get to them eventually. Chico and Colleen I'll take all the good luck and prayers I can get. Erin I don't know why they do it that way. I think because the Drs. clinic is on thursday so they like to have the results and discuss where I go on my next treatment. Steph the prednisone doesn't seem to be hitting me as hard as it did the time before. You need to get my wife to relax the list over here before I could ever get to your house.

My pumpkin head is back but my body is great. No nausea and I'm feeling great and very much positive today. I had my theraputic touch today and it went great. The lady told me that it takes about 5 to 30 minutes to get your energy field aligned depended on stress level and then she'll leave for 15 minutes for me to relax. I told her I've been so stressed that she'd probably bounce off the wall when she touched my energy field. But all was good she spent 20 minutes on me or so then left the room and came back 15 minutes later. Then we talked a bit she told me my energy field wasn't so bad. WOW! Thought it might knock her off her feet. The graet thing about wellsprings is all the volunteers have had cancer so there very easy to talk. I goto meditation on Friday so I'll let you know how that goes... Then I rushed over to mcdonalds for french fries don't ask just another weird craving I get and it's just fries no Big mac or chicken nuggets. I picked Jen up from work and off to costco for pickles and spinach.

Tiger Woods I'm shocked I just have to say I'm becoming intrigued with this whole mess. I mean what was he thinking he's famous did he really think he could pull this off seriously... Oh well!!!


  1. John so glad to hear you are thinking positive. One of the best things you can do. We continue to keep you, Jen & the girls in our prayers....I must say you have strange cravings!!! Good thing you are a man because one would have to wonder if you were going to have a baby!!!! Say hi to Jen.....sending hugs xoxo

  2. Johnny.....great read!
    glad you are getting through this with courage, knew you would!
    call me if you need anything..
    Dano (M)

  3. Johnnie... if you are done your chores at home... come on over! haha!

    keep kicking it! hope the meditation went well!!!

    chin up little buckaroo~!!



  4. I'm addicted to your blog!

    That's all for now.

