Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ups and Downs!

Ok Jolaine & Kim we'll work out chemo dates! Colleen I'm doing good but there are ups and downs and I knew there would be... Jennifer the lasagna was great thanks again! Jewel when is the food coming?

Well I was bummed out this weekend because basically my prognosis has changed since My last visit and it never hit me until friday. Basically I was told last time at the cancer clinic that they had all my results and they believed that this was acting as a 2 or the non agressive grade. So even know they call it a 3a they think it'll act like a 2. Dr gascoyne the pathologist from BC cancer clinic who I sent my biopsy to for a second opinion says it's a 2. So most likely I'm a grade 2 not a 3. I think i'd rather be a 3 besause the chance of it coming back would be alot less. But if a 3 comes back it could be nasty. 2 almost always comes back and can come back as agressive 15 out of 100 times and could be nasty to... It can come back non agressive to. So I kinda got my mind on 3 and focused on where I had to go and now I'm a 2 most likely. So I'm learning about 2 which most people have on my Follicular NHL with people from Ontario website and is very positive and amazing stories. Most of these people all have relapsed 2 and 3 times so they have more ups and downs. One Man from BC was diagnosed with 3a that acted like a 2 in 1988 pretty much exact same diagnoses as I have and he relapsed 2 yrs after his first chemo then 10 yrs later relapsed and 10 yrs later relapsed again and is still here. So his story is awesome and is the one I'll feed off of for my confidence. So many of these people talk about diet and alternative techniques like meditation,reiki,yoga and completely believe these techniques are the reasons they are still here. So what do I got to lose I'm open to everything and am confident once again. So I thought I should update everyone as I go into chemo Tommorrow. Went to 2 great parties this weekend thanks Rob and Tina for the pickles. Thanks Gary for the help on the stairs. Thank-you Brenda for babysitting me this week. Wish me luck in my second cycle of chemo I'm ready to go!


  1. Good Luck John. I'm sorry you are feeling down about the news, but we know you are going to kick cancer's ass, whatever the grade. love sisterinlawjen

  2. It's Monday & it's a "new" day------a little bit of "down" is good for you believe it or not; always putting on a positive front can be a veil for your true feelings. But hey----you got it out of your system & are ready for round 2!!!!!! Glad you'll have your Mom & Dad with you this week----hope my little gift to you puts a smile on your face! Thoughts & prayers are with you today. Chico & Colleen

  3. So what's your thoughts on curry with pickles on the side? Try it! Apparently it's a good cancer fighter. Look up turmeric on the net. Very interesting. Thoughts & prayers from here too. ---- Ron & Moe

  4. John, keep up the great attitude, your doing great! stage 2 or 3a doesn't matter, just put it out of it's misery! Thinking about you today and praying for a good round.
    Is it possible to meditate and eat pickles?
    Love Jolaine

  5. You'll have your ups & downs John and it's good for you. I hope today went well. I meant to drop something off for you before you went but the weekend got away from me. Next time though.
