Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the night before christmas!

I think the wacky wednesday fart story was a hit with everyone. I could write a book on my fart stories I think my wife would agree. I haven't written in awhile because I've been so darn busy! But it's christmas eve and this is always been a special time for me... I love christmas my mother and father always made christmas a special time for us. I'm really looking forward to the morning with the kids. Marissa is beyond excited for santa to come... Mikayla is excited also but doesn't understand what's coming in the morning. After gifts We'll be off to see family and friends for the next couple of days. We also had a great dinner with my brother and sister in law and the kids at there house for christmas eve... Maybe we've started a tradition? No pressure guys!

Well I had my appointment with Dr Chin-Yee on wednesday. He felt my lump and said it was down considerably since last visit. I asked him about a cat scan to see just how much my tumor has shrunk. He said in about 6 more weeks we'll have the cat scan to measure it again. I was also concerned about my cough I've had since about a week after I started chemo. He asked me alot of questions about my cough. He thought it almost sounded like an allergic reaction to the drugs. Which he says can happen with some chemo treatments. But he says he's never had this with the chemo I'm receiving. So he sent me for a chest x-ray right after I was done with him. No results yet though. My next chemo is 8:15 am dec 30th and I'm ready to go because my blood work is all good. I only visited wellsprings once since the fart. Not because I'm embarassed but because I was to busy. But i did do theraputic touch on wednesday. Also did peer support on minday and let me just say I've met some amazing people. I hope we can stay in contact after the group after the 8 weeks is over. I thought they would have repainted the meditation room and thrown out the old furniture... But I peaked in the room and it's all still there. Other then the cough still no nausea or sickness so that's all good. The trip to windsor was quite fun I even stayed out to the wee hours of the morning. I slept like a baby that night at my parents house. I had a wake up call from Mariola and my uncle Turk just like the old days!!!

Just wanted to say hi to an old buddy Steve. Steve I will be in windsor so call my parents or I still remember your parents #. Thank you to my wife I know times are tough but we'll get through this we always do. Colleen let me know if you can find a fart ornament. Bev you're telling me that farts get harder to control as you get older oh man my poor wife. Craig and BJ we would like to meet miss victoria soon!!! Turk thanks for the wake up call friday morning that was awesome! Erin I hope you didn't do one of those snorty pig laughs after you read my blog that's almost as bad as my fart. Christine for some reason I knew you would have a fart story... Poor Mr. Gubbs! Cathy you're right the whole body fart thing is messed up but makes for some funny stories. Jen I'm the blessed one to have a wonderful family that I have it truly makes everything so much easier. Thanks for the wonderful dinner tonight.

Lastly I want to thank everyone for there encouragement and prayers throughout this difficult year for me. You'll never know how much I appreciate all off this. A special thanks to Brenda and my Mom&Dad for coming down through the week to watch the girls so I can take care of myself mentally and physically. I know it's not always easy watch the girls while I take off to do my thing. Also my wife who has to put up with my moodiness which isn't easy because I was perfect before I got cancer right honey? Love you guys! Merry Christmas everyone and to all a goodnight!


  1. Christmas is such a special time of year---- my favourite too----sounds like you are one busy guy! Glad to head Dr felt the tumor had decreased in size---that's a good thing. I did contact a few ornament designers regarding making a special ornament but haven't found anyone willing to take on the odour yet!!!!! But I will keep trying!!!! Enjoy your week---will watch for more updates. Merry Christmas to all---"life is good"----you remain in our prayers. Chico & Colleen

  2. Merry Christmas John and Family.
    I hope your Christmas morning was magical. It can be so very special when your children are small. John, I am glad to hear that all is continuing to go so well for you. Good luck on Wednesday.
    Have a safe and happy New Year and all the best in 2010.
    Linda & Mike Jones

  3. So glad you posted again John. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and it appears I'll be waiting again since this post was almost a week ago!

    Glad your appointment went well. Good luck at chemo!
